
Friday, October 3, 2014

Trusting Through the Tiredness

I'm tired.

Worse, I know you can relate. We spend a whole lot of our time going and doing and running and...and...and.... that it becomes overwhelming, tiring, and makes us feel like we can't catch our breath. And that's where I find myself today. Not because today was a particularly hard or taxing. I went to work and got a lot done, but it was all done at a normal/sane pace.

I'm overwhelmed because I looked at my calendar for this weekend and was appalled by the amount of STUFF I had to do. No, strike that, the amount of stuff I have the opportunity to do. Tomorrow was definitely the most overwhelming. I know that there are seasons where we go through life going and doing and being, but there are days, like today, where I look at my calendar and wonder how it is that Webster hasn't called me to ask permission to give my scheduled as an example for "crazy". Perhaps they should just use one of my selfies.

When I posted on FB about the crazy schedule, a dear sweet friend, Jennifer over at, commented that maybe I should not do some stuff. I love how wise she is. But she reminded me that all of my plans (okay, most of them) are optional and that I am one person doing the job of many, and sometimes I really just can't do EVERYTHING.

So, I made a decision. I'm just not going to do everything that I have the opportunity to do. I was going to get a TV from a friend tomorrow, but opted for today instead. When I got down to her neighborhood, I was early and decided to take a walk and just breathe. She lives in a tired neighborhood - have you ever heard of neighborhoods referred to as that? I have, and I have been in a few, but it seemed very apt that I was in a tired neighborhood, taking a walk. I even took a picture for you:

It's a very quaint neighborhood, and as I was walking, I was praying; praying for my Tuesday Women's Bible Study gals, praying for my choir people, praying for my Thursday Bible study group...and then I turned another corner in the neighborhood, and as I was staring to pray over things in my life, I came upon a cute little church with a very simple sign:

Sometimes God answers you by placing people and/or things in your life, and sometimes He spells it out for you. He knows me well.

While things in my life sometimes seem crazy and my prayers go unanswered, I know it's not because God doesn't know or care, because I know He knows and cares more than I could ever understand. Sometimes He just wants us to trust Him with our mundane while He works out the bigger things.

As for me, you will find me behind my sewing machine for a time, and then curled up with my son and pup, watching a movie and enjoying what God is doing in our lives.

God bless you my friends.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Knocking The Dust Off

I'm blogging tonight because, well, I miss writing off the cuff. Whether or not anyone reads this is negligible, really. I miss writing. I miss this creative outlet that purges the soul. Tonight, as I was on my way to the emergency vet, with the pup we got less than a month ago, I was thinking about this post, and I was thinking about why I write, and I realized that I write because life is overwhelming. I write a LOT because life is VERY overwhelming.

In the last couple of years since I stopped blogging, I have gone through therapy, semi-starting a quilting/sewing business, a very stupid (but thankfully short lived) relationship, dealing with the issues surrounding my weight, and getting a dog. That's a lot in 2 years. And it is why I am writing.

The newest addition is the dog. His name is Justice and he is pekingese/beagle mix. Barking is at a minimum, but MERCY is he stubborn! And expensive. My finances haven't caught up with the newest member of our household (the dog), so things are tight right now, but after a LOT of prayer and many tears and a good measure of stress and anxiety, I'm at a place of peace. God has come through in some very big ways in the past, so I am at a place of trust. Trusting that He will be glorified through my circumstances.

My son and the dog are best of friends. This is my first dog as an adult, and my son's first dog ever. They are pretty well bonded, which is nice, but with these recent medical issues with the pup, he will be spending LOADS of time in his kennel for the next couple of weeks, so hopefully after he is healed and back on all four feet (I will gracefully spare you the details, but trust me, you don't want to know), we can resume bonding and cuddling.

I'll write about the quilting/sewing thing and the weight thing in future posts (at least I have topics ready to go, right?), but for now, I pray that you are well and that God shows up in your life in ways that are tailored especially for you!

Good night friends!